Monday, November 2, 2009

Japanese wall hanging - gorgeous!!

Hi All!

Good friend Jane of janesfabrics is here helping me with learning to insert photos on my blog! Good luck! I chose the wall hanging made by my friend Linda as my first photo! Linda and I worked on selecting fabrics from my scraps for the kimonos and then she purchased the background, sashing, and borders from a quilt shop in Stoughton, WI. I just finished the quilting so her daughter-in-law (who was born in Japan) can FINALLY hang the "work of art" in her bedroom - which is dark purple! Isn't this beautiful! I'm sure Diana will LOVE it!

This close-up shows the detail of the 3-dimensional obi sash and collar which is hand appliqued! The pattern was from a quilt book about origami. Linda has reason to be very proud of the final result! Gorgeous!

Now, go eat a truffle while you rake leaves!


Jane's Fabrics and Quilts said...

Our TruffleQueen is a very fast learner!! She did a great job for her first post with pictures. And the quilt, I got to see up close, so beautiful, love the 3D effect!

Barb said...

I love that quilt....

Rae Ann said...

The quilt is gorgeous! You are doing a great job with your photos so far. Keep it up!